Silence of the night , a sad, nocturnal
Why does my soul tremble so?
I hear the humming of my blood,
and a soft storm passes through my brain.
Not to be able to sleep,
and yet
to dream.
I am the auto specimen
of spiritual dissection, the auto-Hamlet!
Silence of the night , a sad, nocturnal
Why does my soul tremble so?
I hear the humming of my blood,
and a soft storm passes through my brain.
Not to be able to sleep,
and yet
to dream.
I am the auto specimen
of spiritual dissection, the auto-Hamlet!
To dilute my sadness
in the wine of the night
in the marvelous crystal of the dark--
And I ask myself:
When will the dawn come?
Someone has closed a door--
Someone has walked past--
The clock has rung three--
If only it were She!
-Ruben Dario-
in the wine of the night
in the marvelous crystal of the dark--
And I ask myself:
When will the dawn come?
Someone has closed a door--
Someone has walked past--
The clock has rung three--
If only it were She!
-Ruben Dario-

The tree is happy
it is scarcely sentient;
the hard rock is happier still,
it feels nothing:
there is no pain
as great as being alive,
no burden heavier
than that of conscious life.
it is scarcely sentient;
the hard rock is happier still,
it feels nothing:
there is no pain
as great as being alive,
no burden heavier
than that of conscious life.
-Ruben Dario-

My mouth was the place where another
kept the jewels of her passion safe.
And this madwoman , my lover ,
used her teeth to gnaw my heart away.
kept the jewels of her passion safe.
And this madwoman , my lover ,
used her teeth to gnaw my heart away.
what she wanted was like a gun sight
that she trained on love of excess,
since myriad kisses and delight
were eternity's synthesis..................
-Ruben Dario-
that she trained on love of excess,
since myriad kisses and delight
were eternity's synthesis..................
-Ruben Dario-

The "God" goes by,
someone trembles, inspired.
A line of poetry flowers like light;
and what will remain deep within the brain
is woman's face,
a dream of azure!
someone trembles, inspired.
A line of poetry flowers like light;
and what will remain deep within the brain
is woman's face,
a dream of azure!
-Ruben Dario-