நீ, தொலைதூரமுற்றாய் என
நான் நினைத்தேன் -
இக்கணம் என் வாசலில் நின்றிருக்கிறாய்.
என்னைப் பார்-
நீ என்னிலிருந்து அகன்ற தருணமுதல்
நானும்கூட வாழ்வாகவும் மரணமாகவும் மாறியுள்ளேன்.
மாய்ந்த மழலையை
நான் பூமியுள் கிடத்தியிருக்கிறேன்,
உயிர்த்திருக்கும் ஒன்றை
நான் மறைத்தொளித்திருக்கிறேன்.
நீ திரும்பிவரும்போது
மேஜையில் அமைய நான் சமைத்தவையெல்லாம்
இப்போது விரிசலடைந்துள்ளது,
இனி என்னால் மின்சார ஒளியை பெறவியலாது-
ஆயினும் வந்து புசி ,
ஒளிவிஞ்சியிருக்கும் மேஜைத்துணி மேல்,
அந்திமங்கும் வேளையில்
சூரியன் வீடுமுழுமையையும் ஒளிவண்ணமாக்குகிறது.
அந்திமங்கும் வேளையில்
ஐந்து வருடங்களுக்குமுன் கண்டதை போலவே
உன்னைக் காண்கிறேன்,
விடுத்து போகும் எத்தனிப்பும்,
என்னிடமே மீண்டும் சங்கமிக்கும் ஆவலுறலும்,
ஒருதனித்த காலடி-பாவுதலில் நிகழ்கிறது.
சற்றுமுன்புதான் மரித்த மழலையைப் புதைத்தோம்
ஆனால், நீ அறிந்திராத
உயிர்த்திருக்கும் மழைலையை
நான் இன்னமும் மறைவாய் ஒளித்திருக்கிறேன்.
-Jennifer Doane-
(தமிழாக்கம் :எஸ்.சண்முகம்)

If you know the first word,
Then you understand the last word;
The last and the first-
Are they not this one word?
-Wumen's Verse-
Deshan Zen Master.
(Unlocking The Zen Koan)
-Thomas Cleary-
Man is not
what he thinks he is,
he is what he hides.
-André Malraux-

What is Man?
A miserable little pile of secrets.
-André Malraux-

Just as a musician
loves music and not nightingales,
and a poet loves
poetry and not sunsets,
a painter is not primarily
a person who responds
to figures and landscapes.
He is primarily one who loves pictures.
-Andre Malraux-

Youth is a religion
from which one always
ends up being converted.
-Andre Malraux -

Communism destroys democracy.
can also destroy Communism.
-Andre Malraux-
Read more athttp://www.brainyquote.com/qu…/authors/a/andre_malraux.html…

You can only make art
that talks to the masses,
when you have nothing to say to them.
-Andre Malraux-

To love a painting
is to feel that this presence is... ....
not an object
but a voice......................
-Andre Malraux-

I don't argue with my enemies;
I explain to their children.
-André Malraux-

Then I despair...
I remember that all through history,
the way of truth and love has always won.
There have been murderers and tyrants,
and for a time they can seem invincible.
But in the end they always fall. Think of it always.
-Andre Malraux-

An artist discovers his genius
the day
he dares not to please.
-Andre Malraux-

however brutal an age
may actually have been,
its style transmits its music only.
-Andre Malraux-

I seek the crucial region
of the soul
where absolute Evil and fraternity clash.
-André Malraux-

I've been very near death.
And you can't imagine the wild elation
of those moments-
it's the sudden glimpse
of the absurdity of life that brings it-
when one meets death face to face.
André Malraux-

Between eighteen and twenty,
life is like an exchange
where one buys stocks,
not with money, but with actions.
Most men buy nothing..................
-Andre Malraux-

The first duty of a leader
is to make himself be loved
without courting love.
To be loved without 'playing up' to anyone - even to himself.
-Andre Malraux-
Freedom is not an exchange —
it is freedom.
-Andre Malraux-

An art book
a museum without walls.............
-Andre Malraux-

The great mystery is not
that we should have been
thrown down here at random
between the profusion of matter
and that of the stars;
it is that from our very prison
we should draw,
from our own selves,
images powerful enough to deny our nothingness.
to take a calculated risk - and to act......................
Often the difference between
a successful person
and a failure is not
one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that
one has to bet on one's ideas,
to take a calculated risk - and to act.
-Andre Malraux -

The crucial discovery was made that,
in order to become painting,
the universe seen by
the artist had to become a
private one created by himself..........
-Andre Malraux-

The men of my race
arrive on wingless,
eyeless ships.
-André Malraux-
The thrill of creation which we experience
which we experience
when we see a masterpiece
is not unlike the feeling
of the artist who created it;
such a work is a fragment of the world
which he has annexed
and which belongs to him alone.
-Andre Malraux -

Art is a revolt against fate.
All art is a revolt against man's fate.
-Andre Malraux

The attempt to force human beings
to despise themselves
is what I call hell.
-Andre Malraux-

puts its questions stupidly,
peace mysteriously.
-Andre Malraux-

The great mystery is not
that we should have been
thrown down here at random
between the profusion of matter
and that of the stars;
it is that from our very prison
we should draw,
from our own selves,
images powerful enough to deny our nothingness.
- Andre Malraux -In literature, as in Life,
one is often astonished
by what is chosen by others.............
-André Malraux-

Genius is not perfected,
it is deepened.
It does not so much interpret the world as fertilize itself with it.
-Andre Malraux-

Nothing is harder
than to get people to think about
what they are going to do.
-Andre Malraux -

Art is an object lesson
the gods.
-Andre Malraux-